Most prostitutes hate men. I wonder how many actual prostitutes you have spoken to. And by the way, which version of the Qur'an are YOU reading? Here's what I think of your Obedient Wives Club...
I appreciate your wise feedback. You obviously know more prostitutes than I do. It is kind of you to share your wide experience: can you give details of what they like to do with men? Or are you a lady yourself?
Most prostitutes hate men. I wonder how many actual prostitutes you have spoken to. And by the way, which version of the Qur'an are YOU reading? Here's what I think of your Obedient Wives Club...
I appreciate your wise feedback. You obviously know more prostitutes than I do. It is kind of you to share your wide experience: can you give details of what they like to do with men? Or are you a lady yourself?
BalasPadamdr rohaya. Wise reply. He he he
BalasPadamI am not wise. I am just keen to modernize Malaysian sexuality.